My Life Song.

I met a missionary once who told me that she keeps three type of friends close at hand.
A strong Christian friend that she leans and gleans from to grow, a friend at nearly the same level as her to challenge and be challenged by, and someone who needs Jesus to hone her witnessing skills.
I liked this - at different times they have been different women, but I have utilized this in my life.

Over the past years, I have been through a great many of life's trials and obstacles, joys, pains, deaths and births. All these have made me who I am today, but how I handled them really demonstrates to others- who I am. I have learned to pause, to pray and to study God's word so I become a better illustration of Christ. 

At age 52 I know this. I love Jesus and serve him, I am not ashamed of that. I love his promise to prosper me and I enjoy the life he has given me - not perfect - but it has such possibilities and love.
I have had to work on myself a lot. I have failed a lot - but always because He never gives up on me - I return to Him.
I have had to learn to trust God in all things and mostly, when burdens are so very heavy, I cry out to Jesus. Boy, I sure do, and He is my greatest comforter. He never fails, he never gives up on me. 
I am a sinner - I fail - I sometimes succeed but always I am loved and I am His, that makes all the difference.

There is a group - Casting Crowns - that has a song that I love.

Empty hands held high
Such small sacrifice
Now joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you

Let my lifesong sing to you
Let my lifesong sing to you
I want to sign your name
To the end of this day
knowing my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to you

I want that to be my anthem. I want people to know who I served. I want to have led a path of showing others what it is like to know Jesus. I want you to see him love and kindness through me.
Let My lifesong sing to you Lord!


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