My Heart is Full
Ten Years with this guy. He is not nearly perfect and I would tweak a few things if I could...but then I am sure his words are the same about me. But what we both know - is that, "we got this". His humor is exactly like mine which has helped in many of our hard times, we turn to it - the other day, I was very slow to complete my sentences, long hours at work and the late hour had my ADD running. I struggled with just the last words, and he would hurry to say something ridiculous to make the whole conversation worthless. Getting frustrated, I barked, "Matthew!" and he quickly replied, "I know! We have been together so long we complete each other's sentences..." which of course killed me, I laughed so hard I was crying. I wouldn't want to 'try' with anyone else. Although we have been together only ten years, they were hard ones. We had to live apart half the time, and we had to afford two places. Yet we kept on the goal. Then we suffered...